3 April 2016

Model loses 5,000 Instagram followers for posting this picture.

An Instagram model lost 5 ,000 followers after sharing a more “ honest” portrayal of her life .

Stina Sanders , a model based in London 

 was warned by her agency that posting “ ugly ” photos – images showing her acne and eczema, or when she is wearing no make up – would prevent her from being able to work.
But that didn ’ t stop her .

She regularly began posting images from her life that are not typically expected of a glamorous star .
That ’s when she noticed that she was losing followers by the day . Eventually , she lost 5, 000 .

And things got even worse when her modelling agency demanded she removed the pictures .

She told the Telegraph : “‘ You need to stop sharing these ugly images ,’ they told me. ‘ You might find it hard to get work if you continue to post images of your acne and eczema. ’

Writing a book is hard . I' m on a deadline. I have spots and eczema and I' m sweating because I ' ve had four cups of coffee in the space of an hour . If you can think of a title or anything worth discussing in my book . I ' ll treat you to dinner . Which will probably be nandos. Which isn ' t a bad offer. Everyone loves chicken . Unless you ' re vegetarian . # HelpStinaWriteHerBook # WritersBlock

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