24 May 2016

Please Help! My Romantic Girlfriend Has Become Born-again and is Giving Me Really Tough Times

A man whose love life has suddenly turned around into a nightmare for him is desperately seeking a way out of the mess.
The man shared his story showing just how much his formerly romantic girlfriend has become competely strange to him.
Below is what he shared:
She went for a Church meeting one time and came back telling me of how she is now saved and how she encountered Jesus. I simply brushed it off. It’s something that happens every time we go to Church, I thought. Present situation shows that I was wrong.
My girlfriend has abandoned our old lovely, romantic ways, and she’s now something else. She’s changed completely in my eyes. She now dresses awkwardly. She’s always on long, wide skirts these days, she no longer puts on jewelleries to look good. Truth be told, she’s not catching my eyes no more.
So, we talked and she said she feels good the way she’s now, but I tried to explain to her that I wasn’t okay with it. I told her she isn’t as attractive as before. She just laughed and told me I will get used to it, and we’ll be fine. Thing is, I’m not yet used to it and I don’t think I’ll ever be. Why should she do away with some of the things/qualities that played part in bringing two of us together just like that? Do people change all of a sudden just like that? sad
Lately, babe no longer wants to spend weekends. She says she can’t sleep over. Babe says we should stop having carnal knowledge, that’s how she put it. She’s going all HOLY and it’s killing me.
I’m getting affected now. No s3x, no more naughty stuffs, no more good nights. Babe prefers we go to Church 24/7.
I feel cheated, tho. She’s not considering my own feelings. She feels I will get used to everything, but I can’t. I’m not used to accumulating sperm. Even if I try to, for how long?
She’s completely shut me out sexually, and she’s trying to do same, romantically. I feel alone.
What do I do now?
P.S: I am not against being born-again, but this is extreme.

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