31 March 2016

OFFICIAL VIDEO: Jaywon Ft. 9ice – Jolly Muke

Superstar singer Jaywon serves the scorching Unlimited LA directed visual for his recent single tagged ‘Jolly Muke’ off his forthcoming album to be released in a few days featuring 9ICE.

Download & enjoy!!!


Ifeanyi Ubah Gets 10-Match Ban & N2.5million Fine for Slapping Mikel Obi’s Brother

Nigeria’s League Management Company has slammed a hefty fine and a lengthy match ban on billionaire businessman, Ifeanyi Ubah, who was caught on camera slapping Heartland FC goalkeeper, Ebele Obi.

We reported it here earlier today that oil mogul and billionaire businessman, Dr. Ifeanyi Ubah, was facing sanctions for his role in the violence that erupted during a Nigeria Premier League game between his club, FC Ifeanyi Ubah, and Heartland FC where he was captured on camera slapping Mikel Obi’s brother, Ebele Obi who is the goalkeeper for Heartland.
It has now been revealed that the Nigeria’s League Management Company (NLMC) has slammed a N2.5 million fine and a 10-match ban on the businessman mogul, as the LMC toughened its punishment for Ubah after video evidence nailed him.
In a statement on Thursday, the regulator said that the billionaire businessman can appeal against the ruling if he deems so.
The statement read: “Chief Dr Ifeanyi Ubah, proprietor of FC Ifeanyi Ubah, is suspended from all NPFL match venues for the next 10 matches.
“He has now been fined N2.5m because LMC found him guilty of encroaching field of play & assaulting Heartland player Ebele Obi.
“The fabled billionaire is expected to offer a letter of apology & an undertaking to be a good ambassador of the NPFL.
“The LMC further bans all self- procured security services other than those sanctioned by the LMC from all NPFL match venues henceforth. Four of the 10-match NPFL ban is suspended for a probationary period till the end of the season.
“Ubah has up till 5pm on Saturday to appeal this decision if he objects the ruling,” the statement concluded.

How To Touch A Woman’s Breasts On A Date

Want to know how to touch her breasts and make her love it when you’re all alone and cozying up with her? The Super Fella reveals his super guide on how to touch a woman’s breasts on a date the easy and safe way!

Making out is confusing, but it can be so much fun if you really know how to do it well.

And you really should read that before going ahead and figuring out how to touch a woman’s breasts.
Playing with the kisses
Once both of you have started kissing after using the steps I’ve given in the introduction, keep it nice and slow.
Of course, you can get aggressive if she’s getting all aggressive.
But unless she’s taking the lead, build the passion up instead of the aggression.
One of the things that most guys do wrong is push the game and go too fast.
They’re so happy to be kissing a girl and getting a chance to cup her breasts, they forget to keep the passion alive.
Getting too aggressive could end your chances of touching your date’s breasts midway, and no one wants that.
When you’re making out and trying to figure out how to touch a woman’s breasts on a date, all your attention should be on her pleasure and not just on yours. So however far you go, remember to keep the focus on her.
Do that and you’ll be making out with her until the sun comes up.
Kiss her gently at first and very tentatively, use your tongue but only if she reciprocates your move. Pull back gently now and then and kiss her ears and her chin, slowly moving down towards her neck. The nape and the sides of a girl’s neck are extremely sensitive and arousing for almost all girls, unless they feel ticklish.
As tempting as it can seem, don’t go too close to her cleavage. Border your kisses around her neck and her shoulders once in a while when you’re kissing her lips. Moist kisses are great, wet kisses aren’t.
A lingering cool reminder of where you kissed her feels nice, but it’s definitely not enjoyable if it feels all watery!
Playing with her hands
When you’re making out with a girl, she’s obviously going to reciprocate your moves too. But if she’s having a really good time, she may even just sit back with her eyes closed and enjoy the experience.
If you ever feel like things are getting slow, or if both of you are getting extremely aggressive and her hands are moving a lot, you can kiss the inside of her elbows or her wrists. As surprising as it may seem, kissing the insides of her elbows can actually calm her down. At times, you don’t want the making out to seem like a one night stand or a one-time thing. Going too fast could even make her dislike it the next time because it would all have happened so suddenly.
Remember, when you’re trying to touch a woman’s breasts, it shouldn’t feel like an impulsive one night stand. It should feel real, and she should love it!
Taking it beyond the kiss
In the first part of this guide on how to make out with a girl, you would have figured out how to kiss a woman and make out with her. Here, we’re going to take it to the next level on how to touch a woman’s breasts. But remember, we’re talking about making out with a woman, not having s3x, so take it easy and play it slow. No woman likes to be treated like a tramp who’s going to have s3x with you a few minutes into making out.
As you kiss her passionately for a while, move your hands around her shoulders and down to the sides of her tummy, slowly and firmly. As you reach her waist, linger for a minute and slide your hand over her lower back and rest your hand.
Slip your hand under her shirt and run your hand on her bare back for a second, before moving your hand out of her tee shirt and placing it on her lower back again. Repeat it a couple of times while kissing each other, and linger a bit longer with each time.Before you try to reach out and touch her breasts, you should make her feel comfortable with your touch and yet, not feel awkward at the same time.
Learning to guide your hands
After giving your hands some exercise on her lower back, bring your hands back to the sides of her waist.
As you kiss her, place one palm gently on her tummy, and feel your way around it. Don’t move your hands over her breasts just yet. Instead, place one hand back on her lower back and bring the other hand on her collar bone, just under her neck. She has to feel comfortable with your touch across her body. By hurrying this up, you’d just end up making her feel uncomfortable and used.
READ ALSO   Guys: 10 Cute Things To Say To A Girl You Like
Resting one hand on her lower back, softly slide the hand you’ve placed on her collar bone down over her breasts, and bring it to rest under her breast, without really touching her breast for more than a second.
Hands in the shirt
Now remember, you’re doing all of this as you kiss her passionately. This should be natural. If you find yourself getting distracted, don’t overdo it and try to hurry the pace. Take your time, even if you need a whole hour to get to this part!
You can’t make mistakes here. You don’t get second chances when you’re trying to touch a woman’s breasts, so it’s better to linger than to speed up.
With one hand on her lower back, bring down the other hand from under her breast and place it on her belly near her midriff. A few minutes of kissing later, slip your hands under her tee shirt and place it over her belly. Don’t speed this up, or it’s all over. Bend down and kiss her neck and collar bone. And at the same time, move your hand smoothly and rather quickly higher up inside her shirt. Move your hands up until you touch her breast over her bra.
The hand where it matters
The second your hand touches her bra, bring your hand back to under her breast. She knows you’ve touched her breast and so do you. But you’re being gentlemanly enough to bring it back down because you felt “it was all too soon”. You’ve got to give her enough time to feel comfortable with the breast touch. It is a big deal, after all. You can’t linger on her breasts on the very first touch. Just like a first kiss, you have to warm her up to it.
Don’t take your hand out of her tee shirt, and don’t move it over her breast either. Let her feel comfortable with your hand under her breast. The very second you touched her breast for the first time, she knows where this is going and so do you. So there’s really no need to hurry.
After a few minutes of kissing and hand moving, gently move your hand over her bra. This time, place your hand over it and don’t remove it. Don’t move your hand or try to snoop around. Just place your hands on her breast and continue kissing her.
Taking the plunge
If you’ve followed these steps perfectly, she’d understand where your hand wants to go and what you have in mind each time. And by simply placing your hand over her breast, you’re mentally preparing her for what you intend to do next. By doing this, you’re not surprising her and that would only make her feel more comfortable with your hands over her body.
A minute or so after placing your hand over her bra, move your hand an inch or so upwards. Now you’re actually feeling up her breasts slowly, and you’re giving her the time to feel comfortable with it.
Move your hand around gently over her breasts and when both of you feel comfortable enough, move your hand upward to her bra strap and slip it down her shoulder. Don’t hurry any of these steps. Once you’ve slipped her bra strap off her shoulder, move your hand down gently. But this time, as your hands come down, don’t move your hand over the bra. Instead, slip your hand under the bra.
Place your hand over her breast gently and don’t do anything just yet. Remember, it’s about making her feel comfortable and like your touch. You really should never initiate a move she won’t like.
And there you have it, the perfect way to touch a woman’s breasts the very first time you kiss her, the Super Fella way! If you repeat these steps exactly as I‘ve mentioned here, I assure you any girl is going to have a hard time resisting your charm and your super sexy hands when it runs all over her body.
Use these steps on how to touch a woman’s breasts and you’ll see that the world is a happy place, especially in love, s3x and matters of dating women!

5 Amazing Tips To Make Men And Women Really Enjoy S*x

If you have not been finding s*x as mind-blowing and exciting as it used to be, then these tips are a must read for you.
There is no denying it, we all have times when we don’t feel sexy – especially when the stresses of life take their toll on our moods.
“We are all sexual beings and all have the potential to be sexy,” says confidence coach Nina Grunfeld. “Feeling unhappy with yourself can start with a bad hair day or a giant pimple on your chin, and before you know it things have snowballed and you hate your clothes, your are convinced no man would want you and you are cancelling your plans so you can go home to crawl into bed.”
How can we stop this destructive way of thinking from dragging us down?
“There are lots of ways to boost your s3x appeal that have nothing to do with how you look,” Nina says.
Here are FIVE ways to instantly boost your s3x appeal:
1. Think Positively
“Thinking about how amazing your last s3x session with your man was can get erogenous zones like your lips tingling. The result? You’ll feel good,” Nina says.
SO next time you need a boost, think about the last time a guy really wanted you – whether it was in the bedroom or dancing in a club – it will give you an instant lift. And once you are feeling good on the inside, you’;; ooze confidence.
“Men are drawn to confidence like a magnet. Thinking about s3x will make you smile and you will look more approachable.”
2. Eat Yourself Sexy
Most of us have eaten chocolate to cheer ourselves up at some point, but scientists have discovered it can actually make you feel sexier, too. The phytochemicals in dark chocolate boost blood flow all over your body, including the brain and the sexual organs.
“Chocolate causes the release of endorphins in the brain, too – chemicals which make us feel good. There is also a research which shows that chocolate gives you a natural high, albeit a mild one.”
And as if that wasn’t good enough, scientists have also discovered that eating ice cream increases your libido. It contains phosphorus, which boosts your libido by releasing feel-good endorphins into your body, making you feel instant sexier.
3. Make Him Want You
“Sexiness comes from being care-free and fun. So not taking yourself too seriously is the ultimate secret to looking sexy,” says Nina.
Next time you are feeling below par, remember you can turn most situations around by learning to laugh at yourself.
“If you are the girl who always spills your drink, make a joke of it. It shows you’re a good sport and people will realise you are not uptight or neurotic.”
Laughter also releases feel-good endorphins, which make you feel happy.
“If you project positive vibes it creates instant s3x appeal. And don’t forget to smile. Smiling is a genuine approval signal. Flashing him a smile will boost his confidence, and it will also soften your features, making you look prettier.”
4. Tease His Senses
“The right scent will act as a mental and emotional aphrodisiac. Vanilla-based scents enhance feelings of pleasure and for subtle s3x appeal, try something that contains notes of white flowers like jasmine. This activates the subconscious part of your brain to think about having s3x.”
The part of your brain that recongises scent is the same that detects emotion, so for an instant turn-on, put on the same fragrance you wore on your last hot date. Perfume is also scientifically proven to increase the flow of blood to male s3x organs. Studies show that men were most aroused – with 40% more blood flow to the p3nis – by the smell of lavender.
5. Have s3x After Sunset
Men’s testosterone levels peak in the morning and decrease during the day, while women feel aroused early evening when the sun sets. SO grab him as soon as he gets in from work to make the most of your natural erotic boosters.
“Making a move on your man is a massive turn-on for both of you. Use the time when you are most aroused as a confidence booster, and suggest a quickie. It’s your way of saying, ‘I know I’m hot and I want this now’.”

OMG! 28 Toothbrushes Pulled Out Of Patient’s Stomach During Operation | Photos

This is quite shocking. A surgeon pulled out 18 toothbrushes from a patient’s stomach during an operation. The doctors who were speaking Spanish also removed objects which resemble a corkscrew and some tweezers from the patient’s inside using tongs…According to reports, such an occurrence is only ever seen in patients with psychiatric problems.

[+18] See The Incredible Nud3 Photo Kim Kardashian Posted Online

The goddess of Nud3 pictures just posted another Nud3 picture she took with model, Emily Rarajkwoski and captioned it “When we’re like…we both have nothing to wear LOL”


Rihanna Poses H0t And N*ude In Her New Musical Video | PHOTOS

It is popular knowledge that Rihanna who is renowned for her beauty and her sultry voice has posed n*de/Private for numerous magazines, but she’s now taking it a step further by doing same in her new music video.
The song is called ‘Kiss Me Better’ and the video is said to be a pop R-Rated music video. It shows Rihanna mostly Private and before the end of the video, she will go n*de.

check out pictures below

30 March 2016

SHOCKING!!! Man Arrested for Sleeping With a Cow in Zimbabwe

A middle-aged man employed as a herd boy in Muchecheti Village, Masvingo District of Zimbabwe, Misheck Runesu, has been charged before a magistrates' court after he was caught red handed having sex with a neighbour’s cow.
According to Zimeye, the incident which is seen by residents as a taboo and a bad omen, could bring fatal results if some sacrifices are not carried out to appease the gods of the land.
Runesu was arraigned before Magistrate Sibongile Mkandla on charges of bestiality after he was caught making love to James Makwarimba’s cow in broad daylight. It was gathered that Runesu was herding cattle on March 14, around 1pm, when he took a tree bark and tied the hind legs of Makwarimba’s cow and had sex with the beast.
He was busted by another villager in the act, who raised an alarm and he was apprehended before he could escape.
A villager from the area said:
"Runesu betrayed his neighbour’s trust by what he did. We were shocked when we heard about the incident because Makwarimba treated him like his own brother.
What Runesu did cannot be accepted. It is very sad and unfortunate. Everyone is stunned by the act. I think he is going to learn a lesson after being convicted.”

29 March 2016

Checkout How Ooni Of Ife Made His Grand Entry To Abuja For Tinubu’s Birthday | Photos

Arole Oodua, Ooni Adeyeye Babatunde Ogunwusi (Ojaja II) arrived at the Nnamdi Azikwe Airport Abuja yesterday and he was ferried into town like the
Royalty that he is….Today Tuesday March 29th he will attend the birthday colloquium of Asiwaju Bola Tinubu at the International Conference Center